DJ Kane

Sample Worksheet

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Sample Wedding worksheet

DJ Worksheet


1. When is the event?


2. Where is the event being held?


3. What is the start/end time (I will play overtime if you wish) of the event?


4.What is the Dress Code for the event?


5. What type of event is this?


6. Who is the event for?


7. Estimate the number of people attending the event?


8. Primary age group at the event?


9. Is there any games you would like to play?


10. Types of music too be played at the event?( no specific songs example: rock, jazz)


11. Types of music NOT to be played? (again no specific songs)


12. Would you like me or someone else to make any special announcements? And what are they? ( give me a list separately prior to the event)


13. Is there any type of special equipment you require? (example Lighting (additional charge for lighting), cordless microphone, etc)


14. A list of specific songs to be played given to me prior to the event.


15. A list of specific songs NOT to be played prior to the event.


16. Any additional comments or questions? Ask me here.


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